Bulker-fit configuration for Alfa Laval PureBallast 3 matches differentiated ballasting/deballasting flows

 Bulk carriers can now benefit from an Alfa Laval PureBallast 3 bulker-fit configuration, which is specifically adapted to their flow needs. The bulker-fit configuration offers savings in footprint, installation, OPEX, and especially CAPEX, yet it retains the high performance, easy operation, and global service coverage PureBallast 3 is known for.

A growing number of ship owners are choosing UV ballast water treatment over electrochlorination, even for large ballast water flows. Today’s UV treatment competes easily on footprint and energy consumption, which makes advantages like chemical-free operation, zero corrosion risk, and efficiency at low salinities and temperatures even more attractive. Until now, however, the move towards UV has been less noticeable among bulkers.

“Bulkers have a unique ballasting and deballasting profile because they load and unload at significantly different rates,” says Peter Sahlén, Head of Alfa Laval PureBallast. “The PureBallast 3 bulker-fit configuration differentiates the two flows, which reduces CAPEX while preserving the many other advantages of UV treatment, such as lower OPEX. That gives bulker owners a strong alternative to electrochlorination.”

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